The Labs
- Neuromodulation, Cardiorespiratory neuroscience, Interoception and homeostasis
- Neural circuits, Synaptic transmission, Epilepsy
- Alzheimer's disease, Tauopathies, Neurodegeneration
- Single-cell RNA-seq, Neurocircuitry, Neural control of appetite, digestion and metabolism
- Neural basis of vision, Perceptual decision making, Superior colliculus, Visual cortex
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, neurodegenerative disease
- Behavior neuroethology social
- Epigenetics, Early life experience, Oxytocin
- Glia, Drosophila, Neurodegeneration, Phagocytosis, Signaling
- Competition, Axon degeneration, Feeding behavior, Signaling endosome
- Memory
- Cerebral cortex development, embryonic neurogenesis, cell division, axon outgrowth, mouse genetics
- Sensory thalamus, Visual pathways, Synaptic circuits, Ultrastructural neuropathology
- Educational neuroscience, Developmental and cognitive neuroscience
- Social intelligence, Functional brain development, Infancy and early childhood, Neuroimaging
- Neurocircuits of obesity, Circadian rhythm interventions, Alzheimer's disease
- Functional connectivity, Network psychometrics, Language networks
- Transcriptome responses to dopamine loss, Drosophila and Mouse Parkinson models, Secondary neurotransmitters
- Pathophysiology of Status Epilepticus, Mechanisms and pathways of seizure spread
- Neuroethology, Sensory biology, Comparative physiology
- Aging brain, Microglia involvement in neurovascular coupling
- All things glia, Glial-mediated debris clearance, Glial tiling, Glial diversity, Regeneration
- Neural tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Stroke, Drug delivery
- Adult neurogenesis, Homeostasis, Neuroinfflammation, Sex streoids, Seasonal plasticity
- Retinal development and function, Retinal degeneration in eye diseases, In vivo imaging of retina in mice and humans
- Memory, Attention, Neuro-imaging, Electroencephalography
- Experience-dependent plasticity, Auditory processing, Mathematical models of neuron and circuit dynamics
- fMRI, Individual differences, Social cognition
- Sodium channelopathies, epilepsy
- Neurogenetics of autism, Developmental cognitive neuroscience, Neuroprediction of treatment response, Neurodevelopmental disorders
- Organ-on-chip models, Neuroimmunology, Brain-lymph node communication
- MR image-guided drug and gene delivery, Focused ultrasound, Neurodegeneration, Blood-brain barrier
- Non-visual photic input into a series of behavioral systems
- Infant brain development, Social neuroscience, Individual differences, EEG, fMRI
- Synapse adhesion, Vision, Learning
- Organic and Polymer Chemistry, Nanomaterials and Medicine
- Comprehensive theory of memory formation and retrieval
- Growth control, Nutrient sensing, Regeneration
- Advanced computational neuroimaging, Structure, function, and connectivity of the brain in health and in disease, Alzheimer's, TBI, Autism Spectrum Disorders
- FSCV, Drosophila, In vivo, Neurotransmitters
- Education, Learning, Attention, Motivation
- Proteostasis and waste management in health and neurodegenerative disease, Membrane traffic in dendrite growth and developmental signaling, Cytoskeleton in axon growth and guidance
- Glial biology, Glioma biology, Neuroimmunology
- Embryonic and postnatal development, Single-cell mass cytometry, Lineage tracing